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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School



Rudolph Class

Welcome to the class webpage for Rudolph class. 

Year R/Year 1 Teacher - Mrs Bradshaw

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Brown

Rudolph class  is the first class that children come to when they start in Reception at Dogmersfield. It is a mixed Year R/Year 1 class.  The class has an extensive and attractive outside play area, with a gazebo, double storey playhouse and a digging area.

A highlight for many parents is the Christmas Nativity, which is enjoyed by children and staff alike.


Rudolph Curriculum Information 2024/25

Autumn Term Curriculum Map Year R 2024/25

Autumn Term Curriculum Map Year 1 2024/25





Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Parent Information


Year R Spring Curriculum

Year 1 Spring Curriculum


Year R Autumn Curriculum

Year 1 Autumn Curriculum